Prince Henry The Navigator


    Prince Henry was
born on March 4th 1394 in Porto and died November 13th 1460. Henry was the
third child of King Hon the first of Portugal. He was an important person in
the early days of the Portuguese empire. He was responsible for most of the
European exploration and maritime trade with other continents.

    For two years from 1444 to
1446, Prince Henry increased the exploration of Africa, sending about 30 to 40
of his ships on missions. The last mission that Prince Henry supported sailed
over 1,500 miles down the African coast.   Even though he never sailed on the expeditions, the voyages that he paid for in the mid of the 1400's helped start Portugal into the front of the race to find a sea route to the Indies.

    His goal was to find a way to the rice spice trade of the Indies and explore the west coast of Africa.  The ships that sailded the Mediterranean were to slow to make these long trips, but he had a new, lighter ship called the caravel that would allow sea captains to sail further and faster.

    Henry died at the age of 65.  He died of old age but some say it was because of stress and worry because he was arguing at the time of his tell.

Contributions and Accomplishments

    Henry  made a school for the study of navigation, art, mapmaking, and shipbuilding. He  helped repopulate a village call Terçanaba and also donated house. "Henry  Establishment of a government-sponsored institute at Sagres, which maintained a  school, an observatory, and a base for exploratory ventures at nearby Lagos. 

    One of his major accomplishments was creating a new type of ship called  the caravel which combined cargo capability, controlling and worthiness, and
 therefore being one of the best ships for exploring. One of his other very impressing accomplishments was when he created the wheel lock pistol. It had a wooden ramrod, iron pyrites and it was front-loader.


The Coat of Arms.
Youtube video below.


"Prince Henry the Navigator." Think Quest. Oracle. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.

GSteincampJ. "Prince Henry the Navigator." YouTube. Google, 8 Oct. 2007.
Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>.

ID1171569066. "Whate Are the Contributions of Prince Henry That
Motivated Explorations and Colonizations." WikiAnswers. Wiki. Web. 23
Mar. 2011.

Kelly8. "How Did Prince Henry the Navigator Die." WikiAnswers. Wiki. Web.
24 Mar. 2011.